Journal Publicuho starting from July 2022 was migrated to OJS 3 because the previous OJS2 server service often experienced downtime and journal institution accounts were slow to respond to citations on Google Sholar, GARUDA PORTAL, and SINTA. In this position, we journal managers need technical adjustments so that journal services are in accordance with journal settings. SPECIAL INFORMATION: (customization of services, Accretion, and indexing of the Publicuho Journal)
1. Publicuho Journal was first published as an online journal on May 15, 2018, based on the ISSN edition (2621-1351) of PDII-LIPI Letter number: 0005.26211351 / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2018.05. This journal started its Vol 1 No 1 April 2018 edition (1 Vol, 4 editions annually). Based on the Decree of PDII-LIPI Number: 0005.26850729 / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2019.06 Journal Publicuho, also has a printed version (ISSN 2685-0729). 27 June 2019 (issue starting Vol. 1, No. 2, October 2019).
2. Journal PublicuhoAccredited Science and Technology Index (SINTA 6) on October 11, 2019 in accordance with the Decree of the DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF STRENGTHENING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF Kemenristekdikti RI Number: B/3351/E5/E5.2.1/2019. Link:
5. LINK CHANGES (OJS2 MIGRATION TO OJS3). as a result of the disruption of the OJS2 server service, all Halu Oleo University Journals were migrated to OJS3. We journal managers in the near future will need to adjust the system work on OJS3 (new domain). In this position, we expect understanding from service users. Furthermore, the journal manager said that the Publicuho Journal for the next issue, Vol 5 No 3 for the period August - October 2022, will be managed on the new OJS 3 server with the link: index and can register, log in and submit journals at the link :
6. In July 2022, Journal Publicuho synchronized data on the SINTA account. this has been done since the Publicuho Journal obtained the SINTA 4 Accreditation. 7. Journal Publicuho since July 2022, made changes to JOURNAL COVER and Journal Headers, added Editor and Reviewer Teams.